Olden Times Valentines
When I was about 4 years old, before Mary Ruth was born, my mother put up a huge Christmas tree--at least in my memory it was huge but it it may have not been huge at all! Anyway, Daddy had gotten the tree somewhere, I am sure for free--and he set it up in our living room.
We did not have a lot of money, actually, not much at all. So they couldn't afford to buy Christmas ornaments. But Mama was very creative and she got out her box of old Valentines. They were very colorful and pretty and had a lot of red in them. She decorated the tree with all of those Valentines. I can remember until this day how beautiful and luxurious that tree looked to me. Many might have laughed at her for using such odd ornaments for our tree. But believe me, I remember to this day that tree. If it had just been decorated with regular ornaments I may not have remembered it at all!
I think she was very smart to use something that to her was beautiful and she was recycling back when recycling was unheard of.
I wish I still had those old valentines because they would remind me of the most exciting Christmas I ever had. They got double use that year!
I think the Valentines were quite appropriate -- after all, Christmas is all about the greatest Valentine of all -- God's love.