Using a paring knife to peel potatoes
A swivel potato peeler
My mother was so frugal (maybe that is where I got my frugalness) that she never wanted to let anyone else peel the potatoes because she said they wasted half of the potato when they peeled them.
She always used just a paring knife to peel potatoes. I use a paring knife also. My daughter uses a swivel peeler. I use the swivel peeler for carrots but I don't like it for potatoes.
I don't think I waste any of the potato when I peel them. After all, you have to peel deep enough to get the eyes out. But somehow my mother still thought I wasted potatoes by peeling too deep!
Anyway, the surest way to not waste any of them is to boil the potatoes and then take off the peelings after they cool. That way you only take off the actual peel without wasting any potato. That only works if you want to use them for certain ways. Sometime you want to use the potato another way which might require peeling them first.
My mother has been gone for some time now. She died--not rich--so her potato idea didn't work to make her rich. I am not rich either and I probably never will be. So the potato scheme does not work.
I like to eat potatoes a lot but I don't worry about wasting them. I have found out that it takes more than that to get rich!
Grandma didn't like for me to peel potatoes for her, either, but I did anyway sometimes. She was the same way about apples. I didn't like the apple peel, but she claimed I cut away way too much of the apple with it.