Monday, January 18, 2010

Valuable Art

Above are some pictures that I came across in the drawer which was Ford's drawer when he was living. I had gone through it before but at that time I was not doing a blog so I didn't pay much attention to these pictures. They are pictures that our two kids made when they were just little tots. I don't have a date on them but one of the pictures is an envelope that they drew on a picture of the stamp and it is a 4 cent stamp. You know how long it has been since stamps were 4 cents!

The bottom picture is one that was in with them and it has Debbie written on the back. So evidently, Debbie, my niece, colored it for Ford. He had all of these in his drawer so he valued them greatly!

I am keeping them for now but when I die I am sure that my kids will want to have them to save for their kids.

They (my kids) may not be Rembrandts or Picassos but their art is more precious to me than any other artists!


  1. I'm pretty sure I didn't do that bottom one -- I was never that artistic! da

  2. I can't think of any other Debbie that could have done it. Maybe you were more artistic than you remember!

  3. Maybe I did -- but my drawings were usually more the stick figure kind.
