This is kind of how my street looked last night except it was dark and there was snow!
My street was surely a busy one last night and I haven't a clue why!
This all started about 11:00 PM. I was sitting by my window as I usually always am, and I saw several cars parking up the street right in front of my house.
I got up to see what I could see. I have about four windows that look out to my street and I can see down to the left and up to the right. I never heard a siren or other emergency vehicle. I ran my legs off going from one window to the other!
I saw nothing that gave me any clues as to what was going on. So I sat back down and kept watch on the goings on. Soon I saw people walking up the street to the left of my house I slipped out the front door and looked up and down and still didn't see what was happening. I finally got so puzzled that I called my next door neighbor and asked if he knew what was going on. He had no idea that anything was. He had not even noticed all of the cars. He said maybe someone was having a party. I told him to call me if he found out what was going on. I never got a call from him so I guess he never found out. If it had not been so cold, snowy and icy I would have walked out to the street and asked someone what was the uproar was. As for a party, it didn't start until almost midnight and usually parties start earlier than that. And besides, people were coming and leaving every few minutes. If it were a party I would think they would have stayed until the end.
I kept watch and more cars came and left every few minutes. I watched until midnight and then went to take a bath. After my bath I looked out again and cars were still all over the place. The odd thing was that there were no noises or rowdiness at all. I tried to see if I could tell what house they were going to but I could not because of the darkness.
So, about one o'clock I went to bed. By then a lot of the cars were gone but some were there later. This morning when I got up everything was just as usual and all of the cars were gone. So I am left with a big mystery on my hands. I am not close with any of my neighbors so I did not want to seem nosey. Only the one I called is any thing close to neighborly.
I hate to leave you with an unanswered puzzle but since I have no clue myself I can't answer it for you!
This whole thing takes me back to about forty years ago when we lived on Reed Street. The same kind of thing happened there. I had my doors and windows shut one night and was busy inside when I happened to look out a window and I saw cars parked all up and down the street and people standing around. At that time I went out and asked them what was going on. The man in the house just one door away from me had shot and killed himself. He had a family of two kids and a wife. We never knew the details of that but at least I knew what had happened. So I wondered if something like that had happened here. I guess I will never know. I didn't see anything in the paper about any kind of incident.
If I find out anything about what happened I will certainly let you know.
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