Tuesday, March 2, 2010

More About Mrs. Eubanks

Betty Jo Eubanks (the birthday girl)>

A Sunday School class

Since I wrote about Mrs. Eubanks in my post yesterday I will write another one of my memories of her for today. The picture above was when Betty Jo was in high school, long after her childhood birthday party.

I was in Mrs Eubanks' Sunday school class and she knew how to entertain children. She had a large, low table in her class room and she had put sand on it for the children to use as a sand table. She asked all the children to bring a toy to use on the table. We brought a variety of animals, small people and other things that were not too big. We had sheep, cows, horses, dogs, cats, chickens and lots of other things to make a village. We could leave them there or we could take them home after Sunday school was over. Most kids just left them there. We made the cutest little village. We added things to our village every Sunday for some time. Too bad we didn't have all the cameras around as we do today. I could have made a picture of it. But I do have a mental picture of it in my mind!

To this day I can remember how fascinated I was with that village. Mrs Eubanks always found a way to inject aspects of the bible and Jesus into our stories and to relate them to our toys on the sand table. She was truly a good teacher as well as an entertainer.
There probably are not many children who had a Mrs Eubanks in their childhood. Maybe if they had this would be a better world!

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