Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Roman Sandals

This is a picture of Mary Ruth, Sara and me about 1936, Below is a picture of me about 1931. The other picture is of our cousin Lavada Burke. I'm not sure of the date but probably about 1930.

How about these shoes I have on in this picture--and the socks are a totally different story!

My mother always loved Roman sandals. they are the ones that Mary Ruth has on in the top picture with about four straps, and Lavada has them on in the lower right picture. They were the in thing back in those days. I had several pairs of them through the years.

Mary Jane shoes were also a big style. They were just the little plain black shoes with one strap.

I can't remember if the Roman sandals had buttons or buckles. The shoes I had on in the lower left picture laced up. What ever, my kids would have laughed at me if I had put those shoes on them! They were well acquainted with flip flops and sneakers which I never wore when I was a kid.

How times and styles change!

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