Friday, May 21, 2010

December 21. 2012--Doomsday?

If you watch the History Channel or the Discovery Channel you have no doubt seen these following facts stated there. The shows have been on more than once.

The Mayans were a group of people who lived back in the 300s to the 900s AD. They lived in Mexico and Central America. They had a calendar of their own and it ended at December 21, 2012. Astrologists, or astronomers, or whoever else studies them for that matter, assumes that meant they thought time would end then.

It is uncertain why the Mayans disappeared or where they went. But to this day many believe that time will end on December 21, 2012. That is not that far away--only about a year and a half!

If these people would believe the bible, they should check out Mark 13. It clearly states there that no man knows when time will end not even the angels in heaven. So I count on that and know that we, and certainly not the Mayans, do not know when time will end.

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