Monday, August 2, 2010

Another Snake Story

This story happened many, many years ago.
My sister and her husband had moved recently into a new home and were settling in. There were still construction supplies around the home and they had a screen door from their kitchen into their carport.
My sister was busy around in her kitchen and she suddenly screamed like a banshee. Cotton, her husband was thinking she was dying or something worse!
He came in immediately to see what the problem was. There just inside the screen door was a tiny baby snake which had tunneled underneath the bottom of the door. Cotton grabbed a fly swatter which happened to be right at hand and he swatted the snake until it was dead. That is how big the snake was! He really was relieved to see nothing that bad had happened to Mary Ruth and he really derided her for such wild actions.

I am with Mary Ruth; I don't care how little a snake is, I don't want one in my house or any where near me! I am sure some weather stripping was put around that screen door immediately!

1 comment:

  1. We get lizards in the house occasionally, and I'm not afraid of them. But I don't want a snake anywhere near me!
