Saturday, August 7, 2010

How Spooky!

My grand daughter from Boise, Idaho, Jennifer, recently visited me along with several other family members.

While she was here she wanted to go to the cemetery where her other grandmother is buried. So we planned a visit to the cemetery to locate the crypt. Several other family members went along with her.

They went into the mausoleum where her grandmother was supposed to be. As they went into the building they were walking along the hall towards where the crypts were lined along the walls.

Suddenly, they came upon the monstrosity which is pictured above. They thought it contained a body because there was a hump right where the head would be. They were terrified and wanted to run out of the building immediately. After some thinking and talking they decided that it couldn't be a body so they went ahead looking for Jennifer's grandmother.

They finally figured out that the vehicle they thought contained a body was really a scissor lift used for transporting dead bodies about the mausoleum. However this one did not contain a body. Actually, the bodies would be in a coffin anyway and not visable to a passerby. But they were so shocked that they didn't take the time to figure that all out right on the spot.

I think it was in very poor taste for the cemetery to leave the lift there right where people coming in would see it. It was a very uncomfortable and shocking thing to come upon while looking for the crypt of a loved one. Jennifer will always remember that incident I am sure.

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