Do cemeteries give you the creeps? They do me! I am not so afraid of them during the daylight hours but I sure don't want to be in one at night.
Why would I be afraid of a place where no one could possibly hurt me. I don't know. I am smart enough to know that everyone in there is dead and can't possibly hurt me but I guess my thoughts and reasoning from when I was just a kid are still lurking around somewhere in my mind!
We used to have a cemetery a ways behind us at one house we lived in, I think it was called the Odd fellows Cemetery, and I remember going there to play sometimes as a kid. But I was always out of there before dark.
My kids and their cousins use to play in an old cemetery that was close to where my mother and dad lived. They had a lot of fun there and I don't remember ever hearing them say anything about being afraid. It was a rundown cemetery that was not kept in good condition.
I know a lot of people live very near cemeteries and I guess it is OK if it doesn't bother them. But when we were looking for a house to buy. I kept close attention to what was near any house we looked at.
The cemetery where Ford is buried is not very far away from my house, maybe two miles, but I am never there at night.
I guess I am just spooky minded but I don't like to be at a cemetery when it starts getting dark. I realize that someday I will spend eternity in one but until then I will stay away at night!
I find cemeteries fascinating. I don't much anymore, but I used to go out to the cemeteries and spend hours just walking around reading the headstones. I have great-grandparents and a great-great-grandmother buried at Oddfellows which I pass just about anytime I go to town.