Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ghost Stories

Many years ago when I was probably about six or seven years old we had neighbors who lived very near us. There were several kids in their family including one girl who was a teenager.

I played with the kids some but my main attraction to their family was the teenage girl who had a wild imagination. She told ghost stories that sent chills up and down your spine. I don't know where she got her ideas. Maybe she read them in books or maybe she just made them up in her mind. Some of the ideas were really spooky. I can't remember any specific story but I just remember that the stories kept all of the kids who were there spellbound. We would beg her to tell us stories anytime she was around and she usually would.

Several kids from the neighborhood would come running when they saw all of us kids congregating on the front porch of their house. I remember that the name of the family was Turner. I don't remember the girl's name except for Turner. But I do remember how fascinated I was with her story telling. I also remember going to bed shivering from the story I just heard!

I don't know of any kids nowadays who get together for story telling, except in front of the TV. The stories she told conjured up all sorts of visions while she talked. You didn't need TV! I think actual story telling is much better for kids, it activates their minds instead of letting the TV do it all.

I don't know whatever happened to the girl who told the stories but she should have gone into some kind of work telling stories!

We never had a campfire as in the picture above but we still had a lot of fun even without a fire!

1 comment:

  1. Do you remember when all of us grandchildren would go to Grandma's sleeping porch and tell ghost stories? Lana was a pretty good spooky story teller. One night, we were back there telling stories, and some of you came back there and scratched on the window screen. I think I probably trampled all the other kids getting out of there first!
