Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mister Bubs

Mister Bubs is my grandson, Brett's cat. So I guess you would call Mister Bubs my great grandcat.

Mister Bubs took an unexpected long absence from home a few days ago. Mister Bubs is strictly a house cat and has never been out on his own. He probably would not know how to catch a mouse for his food.

Mister Bubs was annoying Brett while he was trying to take a nap. Brett got nasty with him and told him to get out and leave him alone. Mister Bubs did just that!

When Brett got up from his about a two hour nap he went in the kitchen and was going to feed Mister Bubs. He got out the cat food bag and wondered why Mister Bubs was not in there ready to eat. Usually when the cat heard the rattling of the bag and would be right there.

Brett started to look for him and he was nowhere to be found. Then Brett went to the front door and opened it. The storm door was not latched and then Brett knew why Mister Bubs was not there. He had gone out the unlatched storm door.

Brett went out around the neighborhood and looked but no Mister Bubs. He called Carla and Tony and they went over right away to help hunt for the cat. They all spent a couple of hours around the neighborhood searching for Mister Bubs. Brett was sure he was gone for good.

Finally, just two doors away they thought they saw something behind a bush. Brett looked and there behind a bush was Mister Bubs scared to death. Brett got him and was so relieved that he had found his beloved cat. Mister Bubs is about 14 years old and Brett knows he will not be around that many more years but at least he won't have to lose him without knowing what happened to him. I think Brett makes sure the storm door is latched at all times now.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad he wasn't missing as long as Chuck was!
