Thursday, June 12, 2008

Mama and Slacks

My Mother never in her whole life had on a pair of slacks or shorts. That was one of the things which she thought was wrong--for a woman to put on a man's clothing. However, she did not ever say that she thought it was wrong for my sisters and me to wear them. I think in later years she just didn't wear them because she never had. She always wore dresses. She changed her mind about many things which originally she had thought was wrong. I guess she just went along with the way things progressed.

However, she never changed her mind about very short, skimpy shorts and dresses. And I kind of agreed with her on that. I still don't think extremely short shorts and dresses are very attractive on women. I never wore them even when I was young. Maybe I am a fuddy duddy! Be that as it may, when I see a woman with a very short dress or revealing clothing I think to myself it is ugly! But I am not the ruler on things that women can wear--and many men would not agree with me!


  1. I'll tell you the thing that really offends me....SAGGING! I am sick and tired of boys (they cannot be classified as men because no real man would dress the way they do!) wearing shorts or pants that are four sizes too big. They wear them below their butts so that their under garments are totally exposed! EEEEEWWWW! My question is..why bother putting them on in the first place? If they want the butt to show, just don't bother putting on the pants!

    I wish society would turn the clock back a bit to a much more conservative time.....a much more respectful time. nh

  2. We were standing in line at a restaurant, and two very scantily clad young ladies were in line behind us. One was complaining to the other about a man who kept staring at her. I wanted so badly to say, "Honey, if you don't want them to stare at you, don't dress in a way that says, 'Look at me!'"

  3. I'm with you -- guess I'm just a fuddy duddy. And you know what? I find the older I get, the fuddier and duddier I get!

  4. Oh come on girls!!! If you had a cute sexy figure you would probably want to dress that way too!

  5. Who said we don't have cute, sexy figures??? Perhaps we just have class!
