Friday, June 13, 2008

Use it or Lose it!

I have a set of 1847 Rogers Brothers silver plated flatware. I bought it when I first got married in 1943 in Paris,Texas. I probably have used it a total of maybe a dozen times in 65 years. It just always seemed quicker and easier to just use my everyday silver wear.

For quite a few years I kept adding pieces to it. It is almost as complete as a set can be. I bought iced teaspoons, demitasse spoons, round soup spoons, butter forks, salad forks, and extra teaspoons. I was obsessed with getting everything I could find to add to the set. I always had visions of setting a beautiful dining table and using all of my pretty silver wear. Time had a way of slipping away and before I knew it my set was kind of obsolete. I really regret that I never used it more when I could have.

Years ago, when I did do more entertaining I should have used it. Now I do hardly any entertaining at all and really can't use it. One thing that made it unhandy to use was the fact that I could not keep it in a drawer in my kitchen. I always kept it up in a closet on a high shelf .

I advise anyone who has nice silver wear or nice dishes--USE THEM NOW! I will never be able to get the money back that I spent on the set and neither of my children want the set, because they like stainless steel, which never needs polishing or gets stains on it. So I am stuck with a white elephant. I have thought of putting it on eBay to sell but I know I will never get what it is worth. Maybe I will just leave it to my kids and let them decide how to dispose of it! I actually lost what I might have enjoyed more if I had just used it.


  1. I'm a believer in using what you enjoy. I remember when we cleaned out Grandma's house -- she had dresser drawers full of towels, gowns, and other things she was "saving." When we cleaned out my mother-in-law's house, we found Christmas gifts we had given her years ago that were still in the boxes. Think I'll use my china and crystal when we have supper tonight!

  2. Down through the years when I have gotten new sheets, towels, new clothes I can't wait to use them. I love sleeping on new sheets but I don't get to very often!

  3. It might be worth more than you think. I found this link:,silverware-silver-plated,1653679.html

    Anyway, I've tried to adopt the policy that if I don't use it, get rid of it! When we went through Nellie's things, we found a ton of unopened, unused things. She had over 100 pairs of shoes....most of them were new, but had been stored so long that the insoles had rolled up and the glue had run on the outside of the shoes. Perfume..bottles and bottles, but over time it doesn't smell as sweet! Even packaged items will yellow with time. What a waste. What a shame. All that stuff "saved" for what?? A trip to the Salvation Army.
