Sunday, July 20, 2008

Daddy's Tobacco

Daddy Smoking

Back years ago we always knew what to get my Dad for a present--on Christmas, birthdays, Father's day or whatever. He smoked a pipe and he loved Bond Street and Prince Albert tobacco, and he liked cigars. We could get him pipes but he was a little picky about his pipes so mostly we stuck with the tobacco.

I think his most favorite tobacco was Bond Street. It came tin cans--I think in pound cans or maybe five pound cans. That would last him several months. He also liked the small pocket cans of Prince Albert. He carried one with him all the time. He had a drawer where he kept his tobacco and you could smell it when you got near that drawer.

I sometimes look back and think maybe we were contributing to his health problems but back then that was not so much an issue as it became later. I can remember smelling his pipe smoke and it really smelled good. He loved his pipe.

That was his only vice as far as I knew. He never smoked cigarettes at all and he only occasionally smoked cigars. He did quit smoking in his last few years; then we had to come up with new ideas for presents!

I can vividly remember the strong smell of the tobacco drawer when I walked past it. I hope that our gifts didn't shorten his life!


  1. I still get a warm feeling every time I see a bright red tin of Prince Albert. The big round Bond Street tins were adorned with a Victorian scene of Bond Street, and I remember always thinking what a neat place Bond Street looked like and wishing I could visit there. I associate both these with Christmas, because they were always under the tree for Grandpa.

  2. Although I always hate being around smoke, somehow, I find pipe smoke tolerable....I think mainly because it reminds me of grandpa. It may seem odd, but I always enjoyed watching him fill his pipe and then light it. I don't think it shortened his life....if anything, I think the enjoyment of his pipe probably prolonged his life! nh
