Monday, July 21, 2008

The Stripper!

Me at age three or four

When I was probably about three or four years old My Mother had removed my underpants and had me sitting on the pottie. While I was sitting my Dad came in and announced that he was going to go do an errand, I don't remember what it was since it has been so long ago. However, I heard him and I was determined that I wanted to go with him. I was afraid that if I took the time to get my underwear back on my Dad wouldn't wait for me so the only alternative was to forgo them!

I jumped off the pottie, dismissed the fact that I was pantie less, and ran out to get in the car with him. My Mother probably forgot that I had no underwear on and let me go. I climbed into the car being very careful not to let my dress fly up and stood on the seat beside my Dad.

I remember vividly being miserable all the while and very careful to keep my dress down . I was old enough to realize that I was in a very precarious position-- without underwear! Of course, my Dad never suspected a thing!

I don't remember how I handled the situation when I got home or if my Mother even knew what had happened. But I think after that I never forgot that you have to have panties on when you go somewhere!


  1. I have never seen that darling picture! I don't think Mama had one or if she did I never saw it. Please email me the picture .... and also check to see if you have your underwear on today!

  2. You were such a cutie!

  3. What a sweet picture! Ollie would have had a fit if she had realized you went out without your britches!! I never knew you were so daring! nh

  4. nh, your comment is a hoot!
