Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Another one of my Treasures

This painting is one that we bought just after we moved to this house in 1976. As you can see the colors match perfectly to the colors in my love seat that is right below it.

We bought this painting at an art showing at our mall where many artists were displaying their work. I fell in love with it immediately because of the perfect colors.

The artist is not one of any great fame, or wasn't at that time. Maybe she is now! It would be great to have a painting that an artist painted and then became famous. However, I bought the painting because I liked it and it matched my needs. So if the artist never becomes famous, I have at least had my picture to enjoy for all of these years. We did see and talk to the artist when we bought the painting, but have never seen anything relevant to her since then.

1 comment:

  1. It is a very pretty painting. They always say when buying art or antiques not to worry about whether or not it's really valuable -- just buy what you like.
