Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Dixie Cup Ice Cream

Many years ago we used to be able to buy Dixie Cups of ice cream. They were little paper cups about 2 1/2 or 3 ounce sizes and sold for 5 cents in the beginning.

Not only did you get ice cream but you got pictures of celebrities on the lids. My sister had almost a whole set of the lids and was always on the look out for new ones. I never saved the lids but I did eat the ice cream. The cups came with a small wooden spoon so you ate the ice cream and then the cup and spoon were disposable and required no clean up.

Dixie cups became available about in 1923 but at the beginning they were a larger cup and sold for ten cents. That was a disaster so then they developed the smaller more rigid cups and sold them for 5 cents and they did much better. Then in 1930 they began putting the celebrities on the lids and the idea really took off.

I do not know if Dixie cups are still available but I have not seen them for years. I am sure they do not sell for 5 cents if they are available!


  1. A set of the lids would sell for far more than the original 5 cents each!

  2. Yes I do still sell them not 5c but you can buy in 4 pack in supermarkets.
