Thursday, March 5, 2009

Must Have Boots

Carla, my youngest daughter

My youngest daughter was in her teens when she saw a pair of boots in a store that she just had to have. I put my foot down and said absolutely no to her. But she went to her Dad and he always gave in to her whims. He finally said she could get them. So she went and bought the boots, which were way, way too expensive for our pocketbook.

I don't know why she wanted the boots so badly because I thought they were ugly. But then I wasn't going to wear them so why did I care?

Anyway, it was evident that she didn't think they were so hot either. They sat in her closet and she never wore them. I asked her about it and she said they hurt her feet. So there was all of that $$$ down the drain. I festered about it for a while until finally I got over it. The boots ended up in a garage sale and I think they didn't even sell. After that I am not sure what happened to them. Whatever, the money was gone and I think she learned her lesson about things that she didn't really need or actually want.

She works now so she knows the value of a dollar and I don't think she would do such a foolish thing today!

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