Me in my Mother's swing
I love to sit in a porch swing. I do not like to swing very much--maybe just a little bit. I get sick to my stomach if I swing long swings. I used to sit with my Mother in the swing and she liked to swing big. I would have to ask her, politely, of course, to slow down a little bit. So she would for a little while. Soon she would get back to her big swings and I would have to remind her again that I could not do that.
She always had a swing on her front porch and also one on a big frame in the yard. My Dad built a big frame out of heavy lumber and attached a swing there. So we were a swinging family! The pictures above are of Ford, my husband, and me sitting in my Mother's yard swing.
Eddy Arnold once had a song called, "Old Porch Swing." A very pretty song about the history of his old porch swing. I think Gene Watson also had a recording of it.
I do not have a swing on my porch. I used to have a glider with plastic webbing on it. The webbing wore out and the glider is now sitting in my patio waiting for rewebbing job. I would love to have a swing but somehow we just never did get that project done.
I do not sit outside much these days and I have lawn chairs for when I do. So the much loved porch swing has sort of taken a back seat to other projects along the line.
I hope when I get to Heaven they have porch swings there because I will certainly sit in one. Maybe then I can swing big with my Mother again!
I love a porch swing! We have one in the yard, and it can certainly take the stress out of a stressful day.