Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Another Snake Story

Joe, Debbie, Joel DeWayne and Sara

This story was told to me by my sister, Sara, many years ago. She is now deceased.

She and her husband, Joe, had rented a cabin for their family at some lake for a week. I think it was somewhere in Oklahoma.

They arrived at the cabin and proceeded to unload their equipment. Soon, as Joe was unloading things into the cabin, Sara was checking out the cabin, looking in closets and cabinets and etc. Suddenly, Sara screamed out and Joe thought she was dying!

He went to check and Sara just pointed at the kitchen cabinet. Joe looked and there in the bottom of one of the cabinets was a big snake coiled up about ready to strike!

I don't need to tell you that they quickly grabbed up their unloaded equipment and reloaded it into the car. They were out of there quicker than you can say Jack Robinson!

I don't remember what they did after that but probably they headed back home. I don't blame them. If a snake got in there once it could surely do it again!

1 comment:

  1. Actually, the snake was lying coiled up just inside the door when we opened the door. It slithered off into the cabinets. Daddy was as afraid of snakes as we were, but he decided to try to scare it out. He stood on a barstool, pulled another in front of him and stepped onto it, then repeated the process to get to the cabinets. He banged around on them with a broom, and we could hear the snake in there, but he never came out. That's when we hightailed it out of there. We came back home. We kids were so disappointed that our trip was cancelled that we stopped at the roadside park at the Lake Crook Road and had a picnic there. We always referred to that trip as "the snake trip." Later on, we went back to the cabin and spent a few days. It belonged to a lady daddy knew. Her name was Mrs. Hays, and the cabin was on Lake Raymond Gary.
