The pictures above are of my friend and her husband from high school back in 1942. I am not putting names on them for obvious reasons. However, even though she is now deceased some of her family might recognize the pictures.
Many years ago just after I was first married and Ford was overseas she and her husband were visiting in Paris and I saw her. She begged me to go back home with her and her husband and spend a few days. So I accepted the invitation.
The first night there she was getting a studio couch ready for me to sleep on and she looked in her closet and said, "Shoot, I don't have any clean sheets!" Then she added, "Oh well, I'll just get these out of the dirty clothes hamper, they are not very dirty." So I watched in disbelief while she put the sheets on the couch.
The dirty sheet deal was of little consequence after her next story!
She related to me that a couple of weeks earlier they had found a snake in the bottom of the couch.
I cut my visit short after that first night and I have never been back to her place again!
Do you think I slept good that night?
With friends like that, who needs enemies!