The pictures you see are what I have to look at every time I look out my front window. Isn't it dismal?
Hopefully, tomorrow will be a little better. They are predicting we may get one or two inches more snow tonight but then later tomorrow they say the snow will end.
I have not been out of my house for all of this week. Thankfully, I have a great neighbor who has brought my paper and mail over for me every day. I keep stocked up on bread, milk and everything I need to keep eating!
I even freeze milk so I always have that on hand. I would prefer not to freeze milk but I have gotten used to it so I don't mind it now. It is certainly better than running out of it. I also keeep cans of evaporated milk on hand for cooking. After living here for sixty four years I know how to manage having food on hand in bad weather.
The snow is pretty to look at but not to drive, walk or work in! If you live in the south where you don't have this kind of weather, be thankful!
However, according to the TV news, you have been having bad weather also. Just be glad it is a once in a while thing for you but it is every winter for me!
We have southern sunshine today, but we woke up to 9 degrees with a windchill of about 1. So it's cold!