Hat pins, shawl pin>
Bobby pins
Stick pins
Rolling pins
It seems that pins are going out of style. I have been observing each time I see any kind of pin: Rolling pins, hat pins, stick pins, bobby pins, shawl pins, clothes pins. If you notice most of the items I just listed are things that are not in style anymore.
Rolling pins are still around but not used nearly as much as they used to be. My mother used her rolling pin just about every day. I might use mine once a month!
I still have some bobby pins but I seldom use them except for some strange thing once in a while.
Hat pins are a thing of the past, stick pins also. I never even knew of a shawl pin until I researched for this post. I never had a shawl pin but I did have, and still do somewhere around here, a couple of stick pins. I could not find them when I looked. That is how important they are!
Clothes pins are also an ancient item. I still have mine but the only thing I ever use them for is to attach and hang sheets over the tools on my garage wall, which I don't want to sell, when I have a garage sale!
One kind of pin that may have a infinite life time is the bowling pin. I know that they are used all the time by bowlers and probably will always be. Otherwise don't name something any kind of pin if you want it to go on into the future! Pins are doomed!
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