Thursday, March 13, 2008

You Eat That?

Most of us have a tendency to feel that if someone thinks or does things differently than we do then they are strange. That includes our eating habits.
We all have our preferences about what we eat and how we combine our foods. For instance, I like to drink a glass of buttermilk with pie (any kind of pie). Some other food combinations I like are; regular milk or buttermilk with cornbread crumbled up in it; vinegar on my beans; A big dollop of mustard mixed in my bowl of chili; and biscuits with tomato juice poured over them. I have seen some shocked looks on people's faces when I eat these things. As a consequence I began a long time ago to avoid eating these kinds of things when I am out in public. To me, these are commonplace things and I see no reason why I shouldn't eat them, but to others I seem strange if I eat them. I have known people who put sugar on tomatoes and on cottage cheese. That is a waste of sugar, tomatoes and cottage cheese as far as I am concerned!

I once had a friend that loved syrup poured over a slice of Swiss cheese, yuck! I also had an uncle who liked to mix a big plate of beans and cornbread and then pour syrup on it, double yuck! My mother liked brains. She liked chicken brains, pork brains and beef brains. She made them with scrambled eggs. As a child I ate them but now I wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole!

I have a sister who throws out tons of pizza because some of her family won't eat the pizza crust. I love pizza crust as well as the other part of the pizza. I have a son in law who will eat only one thing at a time and he eats the items in a certain manner, salad first, vegetables next, then meat and etc.

Some strange people (and these are the really strange ones!) will eat rattlesnake, turtle, sushi, chocolate covered ants, worms and many other exotic foods--but, for me, no thanks. I will stick with my pie and buttermilk, mustard with chili and biscuits and tomato juice.


At March 14, 2008 at 8:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My mother liked biscuits and tomato juice. She once ordered biscuits for breakfast at a restaurant and a glass of tomato juice. She poured the juice on her biscuits, but declared the juice tasted funny. You must understand, my mother never imbibed. My father tasted the "juice". Seems someone had brought her a bloody Mary. Bloody Mary on biscuits -- now that's a strange combination!

At March 14, 2008 at 12:56 PM , Blogger kyra lafain said...

I am glad to hear that someone else is "Strange"!

At March 14, 2008 at 9:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, we grew up eating peanut butter and pickle sandwiches. I thought it was as common as peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but later on in life I realized it was considered strange.

At March 15, 2008 at 1:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tomatoes with sugar is the only way to eat them!!!!


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