Saturday, March 15, 2008

Blackberry Cobbler

My mother used to make the best, mouthwatering blackberry cobblers you could ever find. She made peach cobblers, too, but nothing could beat her blackberry cobblers. I cannot find a cobbler anywhere, of any brand that is remotely similar to hers. She made a kind of dumpling pie dough and cut it into strips. Then she put just enough water to cover the sugared blackberries and brought them to the boiling point. After they started to boil she would drop the strips of dough into the boiling juice and let them cook a few minutes. When the berries and the dough were done, and only she would know exactly when that was, she would put a layer of crust over the top of the berries and dough. She then put it in the oven to cook until the crust was golden brown. MM--good.

We didn't have a lot of sources for blackberries but when we got one, we grabbed it. One of our neighbors had a farm where she grew blackberries. One afternoon she was going to her farm to pick blackberries. She asked my mother if she wanted to go with her and pick berries also. My mother said she couldn't go that day but if it was OK she would let me go. I had not been feeling well because I was getting a sore throat but I had not told my mother that. Never the less, I piped up and said, "Yes, I want to go." I could just taste that blackberry cobbler.

So, with my achy body and my scratchy throat I went with the neighbor and picked blackberries. I picked about a gallon which meant several cobblers. I was miserable the whole afternoon but I got my blackberries and we had cobblers for a while. My mouth aches for some of them now. The sad thing is, I do not have an exact recipe for the cobbler for my mother never went by recipes. She just threw in a handful of this and a pinch of that, never measuring anything. And besides that, I have no idea where I can get blackberries. I never see them in the grocery store. I just hope they have blackberries ( the fruit, not the computers!). in Heaven!


At March 16, 2008 at 8:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember your mother (my grandmother) in her later years had blackberry vines in her back yard. They had the biggest, sweetest blackberries I've ever tasted (of course, maybe that's just because they were Grandma's). When she made those cobblers for me, she strained the blackberries through a colander so we had seedless cobbler. My sister had wild blackberries at her place in the country (she calls it the "Funny Farm"), but something got them last year -- when we went out to pick them, not only were there no blackberries, there were no vines!

You can still occasionally get blackberries at the grocery stores here, but they're very expensive - about $4-$6 for a tiny little basket with maybe a dozen berries in it. Let's all get out the seed catalogs and order us some blackberry bushes!


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