My Pet Peeve with Public Restrooms

I have a pet peeve with people that design public restrooms. In fact I have several of them!
The main one is the fact that they place the toilet paper dispensers too far away from the toilet or they place them behind you so that you have to be a contortionist to reach the paper.
In the picture above how do they expect a person to reach all the way across the room for the toilet paper? You would have to get up off the stool and walk across the room to get your paper. Or, in the other picture the paper is so far behind you that you also have to stand up to get any of it.
Another peeve is when the paper is in a dispenser that will not let the paper come out freely. I am sure they think they will save paper that way but it is so aggravating to try to get enough paper out for one use.
My last peeve is not with the designers but with the people who own the businesses that have the restrooms. It is when the paper is just non existent. They just don't replace the empty rolls often enough.
I love my own bathroom but there are times when you are forced to use public restrooms. I remember it when a rest room is not designed with my comfort in mind and I refuse to go there any more. My peeves are probably the same that any person would have when they use the rooms . Bathroom designers, Take note of these peeves and let them lead you to design better restrooms!
Mine is when the stall door opens in, and the stall is so tiny you practically have to stand on the toilet to open or close it.
Yeah, that too. I probably could think of others if I worked on it!
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