My Memories of Christmas Eve as a Kid

A tricycle
I have fond memories of Christmas Eve when I was a little kid. For some reason, Our Mother and Dad always let us get our presents on Christmas eve instead of Christmas morning.
We always got some toys, a bag of fruit, a bag of candy and a bag of nuts. Back in those days we didn't get fruit and candy all year long like kids do now. Fruits and candy are an everyday item now. Back in those days we just got fruits and candy as a special treat. We always had canned fruit to eat every day and candy on special occasions but we did not have candy and fresh fruit at our disposal all the time like kids do nowadays.
It was a special time when My Dad would get his pliers and his pocket knife and crack nuts and pick the meats our for us to eat. Or he would take his pocket knife and peel an apple for us or an orange. The candy we usually got was the hard candy with ribbons of red and white candy and other fancy shapes. Sometimes we would get a box of chocolates. My Mom always got the orange flavored candies out first--they were her favorite.
Most of the time we got some kind of a doll and a coloring book and crayons--but just a box of eight or maybe later on a box of sixteen, never the large boxes with 36 or more in them like you see now. Once we got a little red wagon and another time a tricycle. I remember what a joy it was to tear into those new toys and goodies to eat on Christmas Eve.
I will never again live those days but I will always remember them with pleasure!
I remember the Christmas Eve of 1960. NK was a baby, and JD and I were in our beds waiting for Santa, but we weren't asleep. All of a sudden, we really heard Santa's sleigh bells in the front yard! As I look back on it, those sleigh bells sounded exactly like the toy bells that were strung across NK's baby bed! But when I think of the magic of Christmas, that's usually one of the first things that comes to my mind.
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