Cold Hands--Warm Heart
My whole life I have had to deal with cold hands--in cold weather. I don't think I have a cold heart.
Ford, my husband, had a very warm heart and he also had warm hands. His hands were always warm even in the coldest weather. He would sometimes hold my hands in his to warm them up for me.
The saying is not always true. It is said that the saying was made up to say to people who were embarrassed about their cold hands. It is embarrassing to shake some one's hand when your hands are like ice. As I write this my hands are cold. It is cold outside but I am inside my heated house so my hands shouldn't be cold. I put my hands under my arms a lot to help keep them warm.
I have several pairs of warm gloves which I make much use of during the winter. Even with gloves my hands are not always warm. But I hope my heart is!
Mister Bubs
Mister Bubs is my grandson, Brett's cat. So I guess you would call Mister Bubs my great grandcat.
Mister Bubs took an unexpected long absence from home a few days ago. Mister Bubs is strictly a house cat and has never been out on his own. He probably would not know how to catch a mouse for his food.
Mister Bubs was annoying Brett while he was trying to take a nap. Brett got nasty with him and told him to get out and leave him alone. Mister Bubs did just that!
When Brett got up from his about a two hour nap he went in the kitchen and was going to feed Mister Bubs. He got out the cat food bag and wondered why Mister Bubs was not in there ready to eat. Usually when the cat heard the rattling of the bag and would be right there.
Brett started to look for him and he was nowhere to be found. Then Brett went to the front door and opened it. The storm door was not latched and then Brett knew why Mister Bubs was not there. He had gone out the unlatched storm door.
Brett went out around the neighborhood and looked but no Mister Bubs. He called Carla and Tony and they went over right away to help hunt for the cat. They all spent a couple of hours around the neighborhood searching for Mister Bubs. Brett was sure he was gone for good.
Finally, just two doors away they thought they saw something behind a bush. Brett looked and there behind a bush was Mister Bubs scared to death. Brett got him and was so relieved that he had found his beloved cat. Mister Bubs is about 14 years old and Brett knows he will not be around that many more years but at least he won't have to lose him without knowing what happened to him. I think Brett makes sure the storm door is latched at all times now.
Crackers and Butter
Jane Council Once when I was a kid, just in the first or second grade, I went to Jane Council's home to play for a while after school. She lived very near the school.Her mother made us a snack to eat. It was such a common thing that I can't believe I never had it before. She just spread butter on plain old saltine crackers! I went nuts over that. We always had butter and crackers at my home but for some reason I had never been introduced to that delicious snack. I had crackers with peanut butter a lot but never with butter.
Jane's dad was the owner of council's meat market. You would think her mother would have made us some kind of a meat sandwich. But anyway, she was a hero in my mind for that snack. I still once in a while make myself some crackers with butter--actually, margarine. Sometimes the simplest things are the best!
Brown Eggs with a Kick!
Olive Thomas was a classmate of mine in grade school. We ate lunch together a lot of the time. Once we were eating lunch and she had a boiled egg in her lunch. It was so brown it almost didn't look like an egg. I asked her why it was brown. She replied that her mother had boiled it in the coffee pot in the coffee. I suppose she did it to save heating an extra pot of water.
I don't think I could have eaten that egg because of the looks of it. I can't remember if the egg was brown after it was peeled or not but I am sure it may have been brown if there were any cracks in the shell.
She probably got a dose of caffeine from the egg!
Potato Sandwiches
I was shocked to see all of the talk about potato burgers and potato sandwiches on Face book a day or two ago. I thought I was the only person to remember about them from when my mother used to make them for my lunches. Would you believe that I still, to this day, make myself a potato sandwich about once a week or so? When I don't know what I want or can't come up with another idea, I turn to my old faithful, the potato sandwich.
I googled the potato sandwich and I was amazed at how many kinds of them were on there. However. the potato sandwich I make was not like any of them. There were so many listed that had all kinds of other stuff on them. The ones I make are just plain potato sandwiches. I sometimes fry round potato slices and put them on bread and spread mustard on them--that is a potato sandwich! Other times I might bake the potato in the microwave and then slice it for the sandwich. Either way, it is scrumptious.
When I was a kid and my mother made them for my lunch she did it because we didn't have a lot of money and could not always afford to have meat sandwiches. Also, she usually made my sandwiches with biscuits because we didn't always have bought bread on hand. I remember being embarrassed for other kids to see my biscuit sandwiches. Now there would be no need to be embarrassed about having potato sandwiches on biscuits because about a week ago I paid $3.49 for ten pounds of potatoes. That is not cheap!
If you have not tried a potato sandwich lately, do so, because they are GOOD! You can put whatever else on your sandwich you would like but I like my true potato sandwich with just potato slices and mustard.