Sunday, July 4, 2010

This is Hilarious!

My daughter, Carla, has three cats. She has a problem getting rid of the cat litter sometimes. The county does not provide trash pickup in her area so she has to either burn or bury her trash. The cat litter mounts up with three cats. So she sometimes brings it to my house and puts it in my garbage cart or she takes it to Brett, her son's , house.
However, sometimes she takes it with her when she grocery shops and tosses it into their trash bin which is located usually right by the door as you enter--which would be frowned upon by them I am sure. But what they don't know won't hurt them!
Anyway, today she was going to shop for groceries and she had her cat poop bagged up and ready to go as she left. On the way she passed a garage sale and if you know her you know she can not pass up a garage sale!
So she looked around at the sale and ended up buying a couple of items, totaling about $1.75.
Then she continued on to the grocery store. As she got out of the car she grabbed her cat poop and marched up to the door and tossed it into their trash bin.
She did her shopping and then returned home. That is when the poop hit the fan--as she took out what she thought was her garage sale sack she discovered it was not what it was supposed to be--it was the cat poop!
She jumped into the car again and returned to the grocery store. She assumed since it had been such a short time that her sack of garage sale items would be right there on top and she could retrieve it. Wrong--they had emptied the trash bins in the meantime. So she did not get her garage sale items back. However she did finally dump the cat poop! She wonders how many people saw her rambling in the trash bin and thought she was a tramp!
So she mentioned that she must be very careful from now on. What she had thrown away could have been something valuable and not worth just a $1.75.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Is this Coincidence--or what?

Have you ever sat and read the paper, or a book, while watching TV? I am shocked at how many times I will be reading something and suddenly someone on the TV will say the exact same word I am looking at. Or even maybe say the same thing I am reading about. It is almost like they are reading what I am reading. It happens quite often to me.

I am sure it is just coincidence but it is a little scary--maybe someone is looking over your shoulder while you are reading.

It is kind of like when you are talking about someone and they suddenly come into your presence while you are talking. It all seems psychic but is, as I said, probably just coincidence. What do you think?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I Love Daylight Savings Time!

I sat on my couch by the window last night and saw the sun still shining at 9:00 PM. Then I sat there and watched it get dark at about 10:00 PM.

This is my favorite time of the year. I love having it light until 10:00 PM.

On June 21st, the longest day of the year, summer began. So that day we started losing on the daylight hours and each day will be a little shorter until winter begins on the 21st of december, the shortest day of the year. I would love for it to be summer all the time.

Daylight saving time is bad for people who have to go to bed before dark because they have to get up for work each morning. I remember our family going to bed before dark in the summertime when I was a kid and I hated it! But if you have to get up at five or six you need to be in bed by at least nine o'clock to get your eight hours of sleep.

Now at my age, I can go to bed any time I please, dark or not. However, I never am in bed before midnight and usually not until 1:00 AM. I am always happy to set my clocks ahead in the spring and I hate setting them back in the fall. That means I have an hour less of daylight to enjoy. Why can't they just leave daylight savings time on for the whole year? I don't really know who to ask!