Monkey Blood

In a blog a few days ago I mentioned monkey blood. It just popped into my mind while I was writing that blog. Monkey blood was what we called mercurochrome many years ago.. That term has not entered my mind for years. It was colloquially called monkey blood because of the dark red stain it left on the skin. Mercurochrome is a trademark name for Merbromin
We had a choice of having that, or a couple of other things applied to our wounds and cuts. Iodine, Merthiolate or monkey blood was it. I always chose monkey blood because it was the only one that didn't sting when it was applied. Iodine really hurt when it touched the open wound. Mercurochrome didn't sting at all. After a little research on Google I found that Mercurochrome was banned in the US in 1998. It contains mercury which is bad because it builds up in the system. It stated that if you used mercurochrome many years ago you might still have a trace of it in your body. Boy, I must be loaded with it! I hope I am not loaded with monkey blood also!
I now use, and have for a long time, Neosporin for all of my cuts and and open wounds. It works fine and doesn't sting! I hope it doesn't contain mercury!
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