Yellow Jackets

My Mother was a sweeper. She used to sweep her yard almost every day --and I mean sweep, not rake. She had a broom in her hand much of the time. She would sweep up little twigs, scraps of paper, what ever was there that was not supposed to be.
Once she swept into something that was not supposed to be there but it was, a yellow jacket's nest. I say yellow jacket because I am not sure that it was a yellow jacket. But because of research I found that most yellow jackets build their nests underground. Wasps, bees and hornets mostly build their nests in trees or higher off the ground. So I assume it was a yellow jacket's nest that she swept into.
Anyway, she was attacked by hundreds of the insects. She was stung many times. She screamed and yelled until a neighbor heard her and came to her defense. He also got stung but he did manage to get her up to the front door and into the house. She was wearing a medical alert button and she used it. They took her to the emergency room and she was treated for the stings. Luckily, she was not seriously injured. It was a very painful experience but she was spared any long lasting problem.
They later found the nest of the insects and did what they could to destroy it. It was near a fence and at the base of a tree. I think my Mother avoided that area after that!
I remember that! Bless her heart, she didn't go to the hospital right away. She had an aloe vera plant and rubbed the bites with the aloe juice. As she did that, it also disbursed the poison from the bites into her system. She realized then she was getting worse and went to the hospital. As I recall, they counted over 30 bites in the E.R. I remember them commenting how tough she was!
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