Barefoot Time

When I was a kid the most fun day of the year was the day in the spring that my mother let me go barefoot for the first time. It was usually in March or April, actually when ever the weather was warm enough. I never had shoes on again until fall when school started-- only for church or special occasions
I can still remember how good it felt to run my feet over the green grass or dig them into the warm sand. It was the best feeling ever.
Ford, my husband, felt differently about that. He said he never liked to go barefoot and never did. Oh, what he missed!
There was a downside to going barefoot. It was hard to miss all of the little shards of glass, sharp pieces of sticks and other things on the ground that could cut your feet. I had many cuts and bruises on my feet during the summer from just such things. However, I never let that interfere with my fun of going barefoot. I used monkey blood--what we called Mercurochrome-- band aids or what ever and still left my feet bare! There was also another downside to the practice--we had to wash our feet every night before we went to bed!
I remember how irritating it was when I was so tired and just wanted to hit the sack and my mother would say get in that bathroom and wash your dirty feet! But really all of the positives outweighed the negatives.
Actually, I still love going barefoot in the house. I do not go barefoot outside anymore. But you'd better believe me, I go barefoot most of the time in my house! So hold your nose when you come into my home!
I'm a barefoot gal, too! The minute I hit the door, the shoes come off. I still go barefoot in the yard sometimes, too. There are even some runners who run barefoot -- they say it reduces injuries.
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