Barbie Fashions
When my two girls were small they had Barbie dolls. I made clothes for their Barbies. A bought dress could cost almost as much as a real girl's dress back then and we did not have money to clothe both our girls and Barbie.
I bought two Barbie patterns and drug out my big box of material remnants. I was creative in finding other sources for material. One idea was to use the tops of fancy decorated socks. I always had a supply of those. I would use them after they got holes in the heels or toes and could no longer be worn. I would cut the foot part off the old socks and cut two arm holes at the top. With the decorated part turned down over the shoulder they made perfect little blouses for Barbie. I once found an old pair of boots which were no longer wearable but had a very pretty strip of fur around the top. I cut the fur strip off, stitched a lining on the back and Barbie had a beautiful mink fur stole!
One Christmas I made a complete wardrobe for each of their Barbies. I had to work after the girls went to school or at night after they went to bed in order to keep them from seeing the clothes before Christmas. I made skirts, blouses, dresses, pants, coats and all of the items that Barbie might use. I spent several weeks on the project but it was worth it to see the faces of my daughters when they opened their beautiful Barbie Wardrobes!
We should be so lucky as to still have those Barbie dolls for they were some of the original dolls and are now worth a fortune if they are in still in good condition. Sadly, they were lost in the garage sale world many years ago.
I'm sure they appreciated their Barbie clothes very much. One of my fondest memories with Grandma was the day she gave up for me. She spent a whole afternoon on her sewing machine making my doll clothes. She had a big box of material and for every piece I pulled from it, she made yet another outfit. There will never be another Ollie!
You also made some clothes for your niece's doll. I remember on one of your trips to visit us, probably about 1959 because Grandma still lived in the big old 2-story house, LK had a Revlon fashion doll. I just pitched a fit for it, and I got one the next Christmas. She had a little blue steamer trunk to keep her clothes in, and she had several outfits just like the ones LK had. Being 5 or 6 years old, I probably never said, "Thank you." So almost 50 years later -- THANK YOU!
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