Quilts vs Blankets
This is a quilt similar to the kind my Mother made.

Back when I was a just a kid we always had quilts on our bed for the winter. My Mother made most of them. In the coldest weather we might have as many as three or four quilts on our bed--and they were heavy!
It was fun to look at all of the different patches on the quilts. Most of the patches were from the remnants of the dresses my Mother had made for the three girls in our family. One of us would say, "Hey, this is from my dress I had for school last year," or, "Yeah, and this is from my party dress two years ago." We usually spent many hours over the winter reminiscing about our clothes from long ago which were represented on the quilt.
However, as much fun as we had with the old quilts, blankets were the way to go. Blankets were much lighter and warmer than the quilts. We finally switched over totally from quilts to blankets because blankets were so much more comfortable than the quilts had been.Quilts were heavy and it made you tired to just turn over in bed! Especially when you had to have three or four on you to keep warm. Many of the quilts were made of heavier material such as denim or other thick materials.My Mother used everything possible to make them when we were using so many.
Now I have one quilt, and that I never really use. It is one that my Mother made and I am keeping it for a keepsake. I have thought of getting a bed ruffle and using the quilt for a bedspread top. But I have not done that yet. I love my light, warm polyester blanket on my bed!
I have a lot of fond memories of looking for a favorite patch of my old dresses from the past on one of those monstrosities--but I think I will keep my blanket for now!
Hey, back then I didn't know what a party dress looked like! Could be that you partied more!
I remember sleeping in Grandma's feather bed with a bunch of quilts on top of me. They weighted you down into that soft mattress and you could sleep in your own little cocoon. Quilting has become quite popular again. I have a friend who quilts, and they take cruises with quilters from all over the nation. The ship sets them up a place to quilt, and they help each other with their quilts and share ideas. Sounds like fun to me!
Give me a quilt any day over a blanket! I loved watching grandma make quilts. I was fascinated by her taking all those scrap pieces of material and making something so pretty and useful. She was one talented woman! nh
I have a quilt that Mama made and one that her mother made. I treasure both of them. I also have a quilt that all the staff members including teachers, cooks custodians, etc. that were at the school where I worked gave me. I think it was a birthday gift. Each person that worked at the school made a block and put their name on it. Then they had someone piece it together and quilt it. I thought that was a wonderful thing for them to do. I am very proud of that quilt too. I don't use any of them very often. I do not want to soil them or wear them out. I guess they are my keepsakes!
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