Folding Towels and Washcloths

My Mother was neat in some ways but when it came to folding towels, washcloths, pillowcases and any flat item, she was the world's sloppiest!
She would take the freshly laundered things and fold them to put away. They would have a million corners sticking out on all sides and drive me crazy! When I fold towels and other things I match the corners and make them look neat, like the ones in the above picture. I like to see the neatly matched corners on my shelves in the closet. But I don't think that mattered to my mother at all. Her towel stacks didn't look like stacks at all--they looked like a pile of something that had been just thrown on the shelf.
I guess what mattered most was that they were clean and smelled good but they were not a pretty sight!
I think of my mother every time I fold my laundry to put away. She was a very good mother but she sure didn't care how she folded her towels!
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