Friday, September 11, 2009

More about Ford and Soda Pop

Once when we were on a flight to somewhere--I don't remember where now--the attendant brought around drinks for everyone. We were seated in a three seated space. Ford was in the middle seat and another passenger was on the aisle seat and I was by the window. Of course we were seat belted in. Just when the attendant put Ford's drink on his tray table something caused the glass to upset. The coke all spilled over into Ford's lap. He was seat belted in so he couldn't jump up. He just had to sit there and let the pop soak into his pants and lap. The attendant got him some towels and helped him wipe up what they could but he was soaked with pop. So he had to finish the trip with wet pants. Not very pleasant!

That time the joke--or the pop--was on him!


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