My daughter, Carla is an authentic cat person. It all started back in the early sixties when someone dumped two little kittens in our front yard one night. They were in a box and were probably only about six weeks old. Fortunately, they were old enough to live without their mother if someone fed them. Carla brought them into the back yard and fed them some milk or something. She wanted to keep them but since we already had two dogs I put my foot down. But what can you do? The cats didn't go anywhere and they had to eat so I said she could have them in the back yard until we could think of what to do with them.
Of course, no one around us wanted the kittens so I ended up calling the humane shelter and they said they didn't have room for them. So I called another animal shelter where they did not euthanize animals but kept them until someone adopted them. I had to donate, I think $5, for them to take the cats. So at least we got rid of them.
Ever since then Carla has wanted cats. As soon as she married she got one. She was named Tiger and Carla had her for about 18 years before she had to be euthanized (the same day Tennessee Ernie Ford died back in 1991).
Soon after she got another cat, named Smokey, and had her until about a year ago.
Now she has three cats, pictured above, that is, live cats. She has hundreds of cats, the ceramic kind, all over her house! I have posted several pictures above of her shelves with cats. You can not look anywhere in her house without seeing a cat!
At a late count there were over one hundred cat figurines scattered around in every room of her house.
I could stand the ceramic ones but not the live ones--they have to use litter boxes!
Anyway, No one could ever take her love of cats away. She will probably be buried with a cat--or two!
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