The Easter Bonnet
What do Easter parades, Easter bonnets, baby chickens, furry rabbits and eggs have to do with the resurrection of Jesus? I can't tell you. Somewhere down through the ages they all got mixed up in some way with Easter. The one thing on the list that makes any sense at all is perhaps the Easter bonnet.Usually decorated with spring flowers they, in some way, might be a symbol of the resurrection of spring and a newness of life. But parades, bonnets, chickens, rabbits and eggs--no connection at all!Once in the long ago past most women and girls had to have a new bonnet and a new dress for Easter. These days most women do not wear hats as a fashion statement to church or anywhere else. Many women do not even wear dresses to church, pants have taken their place. In my church a dress is a seldom seen garment. On occasion you may see someone with a hat on for Easter, but I can assure you it will be on an older person, not a younger one! I have not had a hat on in years except for warmth on a very cold day.
This is not to say that one should not use eggs, chickens or rabbits as a decoration for Easter but the point is you should realize that those items do not in any way represent the true meaning of Easter. Sadly, the hat industry has been shuttled to the bottom of the fashion world's list.
Hats Off and a happy Easter to everyone!
I wish hats were back in style. My Easter hat was always a big deal when I was a child. I remember going to the hat shop with my mother for her to select hats. And everybody had to have a pillbox when Jackie Kennedy hit the scene!
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