Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Cousins by the Dozens

I would wager that few people have more cousins than I do! My mother had 12 siblings. My dad had 6 siblings. At last count, if I am correct, there were 52 cousins from both my mom's and my dad's sides of the family.

I have not met some of them but I was very close with many of them. Several of the siblings moved away to other cities or even other states so we did not see much of them and their children in later years. Others of the family lived right in our home town and we saw them a lot. We had family reunions many years and we saw some of them there. But over all, I had about 10 or 11 cousins that we remained close with. In fact one or two of them, along with me, fought out our childhood lives together.

Sadly, now many of them are no longer with us and many, we are not sure if they are living or dead. My best calculations are that we have about 24 cousins still living. More than half gone! They range in age from approximately 87 to about 50 years old. Unfortunately, I am in the upper range of that age spread!


At April 4, 2008 at 2:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had 25 first cousins on my dad's side -- 22 of them are still living. My dad had 6 siblings who survived to adulthood. One of his sisters had 9 children and one had 6 children. The rest of the family was pretty normal! On second thought, there was one very eccentric aunt, an uncle who was a few sandwiches shy of a picnic, one who was obssessive-compulsive, an aunt who frequented fortune-tellers -- guess we aren't all that normal after all!

At April 5, 2008 at 2:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How Funny!!!!


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