The Blue Tie

A simple blue tie caused many arguments between my husband and me.
At one time my husband was sort of a clothes horse but in his later years he drifted away from his fancy dressing. He was more for comfort than fashion.
He had a plain blue tie that he kind of made his favorite and he wanted to wear it all the time. He had a tie rack full of many beautiful ties. He had a tie for every shirt and suit and they all matched perfectly. But he insisted on that blue tie every time we went somewhere.
Blue was his favorite color and the blue tie did look well with most of his suits. But after some time of wearing it I am sure that people thought that was the only tie he had. I would pick out another tie and suggest that he wear it but, no, he wanted his blue tie. So most of the time I lost out and the blue tie won.
Finally, I gave up and let him wear it most of the time . But I did win in the end because when he died I threw that blue tie away and bought him a brand new tie to be buried in. My daughter mentioned that I should have let him be buried in it. But I wanted him to look his best and I think the blue tie would have been recognized by a lot of people so I ditched it!
I don't know where that blue tie is now but one thing is sure--it is not on my husband!`
I understand why he wanted to wear the blue tie...he looks very nice in it! nh
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