I'm Lost!

Once when we were traveling we stopped at a gas station to get gas. While we were there I decided to use the ladies' room. I went to the side of the station where there was a sign that said, Rest Rooms. I walked around the corner and there was a door there. I went to it and walked in. It was just a normal rest room with the same things that all rest rooms have.
I finished with my business and then walked out. As I was coming out my husband was there by the door and he said, "What are you doing in the men's rest room?" I looked and there was a sign over the door that said Men. I had missed that on the way in!
As it turned out the ladies' room was back on around the corner. I am sure that I was not the first lady to make that mistake. When the sign said rest rooms and there was only one door there what would you think? They should have made it clear that the ladies' room was on around toward the back.
Now when I use rest rooms I make sure to see a sign that says Ladies over the door!
MR used the men's room at the DQ.
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