Christmas Cookies

Christmas Cookies
I used to bake dozens of cookies at Christmas time. I loved doing it. I made the decorated ones like above and I liked to make other kinds of cookies such as ones with nuts and dates in them. They were my favorite but my family always wanted the decorated ones.
One year Brett and Amy wanted to help me bake cookies (big help!). So they came over and we made a big batch of the sugar cookies which was the kind I baked for decorating. They had a ball. Their Mother worked so she didn't have time to bake cookies. I let them just decorate the cookies the way they wanted to. Anyway, we had fun and they remember that day even now.
I have not made Christmas cookies for years. One reason is that the kids--they are not kids any more--are not here that much and I would end up eating most of the cookies myself, and I don't need them! Another reason is that it was a lot of work and I shun work as much as I can now! It is also probably just as cheap to go buy a batch of already decorated cookies than it would be to bake them at home.
So the cookie deal has ended around my house! Sad but true.
I spent all day Thursday baking cookies for the ladies who work for G. My problem is that I have to sample one out of every batch that comes out of the oven! When you're making about 15 dozen cookies, that adds up!
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