Slang Words

Back when I was just a kid my mother taught us that any kind of slang word was a terrible thing to come out of our mouths. Gosh, Golly, Gee whizz, darn or any other kind of slang expression was definitely a no, no around my mother.
Yet, I heard her many times say "My Lord, or My God" and a few other four letter words which I consider a lot worse or just as bad as the words we were forbidden to use. I have never been able to figure out her reasoning about the simple little slang words that mean absolutely nothing to me now nor did they then except that they were terrible words to use.
However, as a result of always being forbidden to use those words I grew up just not using them. To this day I do not use any kind of slang words just because that rule was so embedded into my mind. I have not suffered any hardships because of it.
My slang words consist of Fiddle sticks, shoot, poop, my goodness, or gracious me. I would much rather use those than the terrible language I hear all of today's kids using! Thanks to my Mother for her upbringing of my sisters and me.
My children never heard me use any profanity when they were growing up. Consequently, I don't think they use it either. Of course maybe they just don't use them around me!
Grandma also jumped all over the grandkids if we used Golly or any of those words. I remember when I was very small and one of my friends said, "Golly." I told her that was a very dirty word. I thought Grandma was unreasonable when I was younger, but I've seen how if you start saying "Golly," then one day it's not strong enough. So you graduate to something with a little more heft to it. Then one day, that word's not strong enough. Then you keep on until you have a society where every other word out of a kid's mouth is the "f word." Grandma was much wiser than we gave her credit for being!
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