Sunday, November 22, 2009

Cleaning the Toilet

When my youngest girl, Carla, was just a little tyke she was fascinated by watching me clean the toilet. I would almost have to push her face out of the toilet as she watched me use the brush to clean the bowl.

I don't know what it really was that caught her attention. I usually put in a cleaner, then scrubbed the bowl with a brush and then flushed the toilet. She didn't miss a beat! She did that from the time she was maybe two or three until she was 14--believe it or not! Of course she was not around as much later as she was when she was little but if I happened to be cleaning a toilet and she was there, she certainly watched me do it!

I doubt if she is that enthralled with the procedure now, since she has two of her own toilets to clean. I know that I am not happy about cleaning toilets! But you do what you have to.


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