Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ideal Bread

Years ago when I was a kid living in Paris, Texas, I can remember the delightful smell coming from the Ideal Bakery. If you were within a few blocks area of the bakery you could smell that yeasty, delicious odor of the baking bread.

You could buy a package of the dough and take it home and bake it yourself. It would smell good but not like the smell you got from the bakery itself.

I can remember that the freshest loaf of bread that was just taken from the oven and barely allowed to cool would be so soft and was the best bread I have ever eaten. I never get bread that fresh anymore. Even if you get the latest delivery of bread it is never as soft and good as I can remember Ideal Bread being. I keep going back to the change of taste theory, but maybe that is applicable here also.

The price difference is a big one. I think bread used to be probably about 10 cents a loaf and now it is close to $2.00. So we are paying $2.00 for what we used to get for 10 cents and it isn't as fresh or as good smelling as it was then. Bummer!


At May 29, 2008 at 5:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss Ideal Bakery, too. It burned down 15 or 20 years ago, and they decided not to build it back. Just about every year, our Girl Scout troop took a tour of the bakery, and they always gave us a loaf of bread and a goody bag with pencils, notepads, and assorted other little items. But absolutely nothing could compare to smelling that bread baking! We have a Sara Lee plant here now, and when they do cinnamon rolls, you can smell it for miles, but it still just isn't the same.

At June 6, 2009 at 8:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My husband and his family used to own the Ideal Bakery in Paris and else where. I ran across your blog re: Ideal Bread while I was searching for one of the old Ideal Bread signs to give him as a gift. I have seen these signs at East Texas restuarants but they arent for sale. Know where I can find one?????


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