The Drive in Movie

Back years ago a new thing began, Drive in Movies! They were a big hit with families who had children and couldn't afford to spend the money for several tickets to get into a movie theater. A whole car load could go for about a dollar to a drive in movie!
Not only was it cheaper to go to the drive in but you could also save money on the food. You could take your own popcorn, candy, drinks or anything else you wanted. They also had concession stands there where you could buy things if you wanted.
We used to make a huge bag of popcorn, buy some candy bars and take a cooler with our Pepsi, coke or whatever.
Most of the time there were double features at the drive in so you saw two movies for the price of one. The kids were usually asleep before the end of the movies but then it was easier to watch the movie without the kids bothering you!
A few times we did what a lot of other people did--drive away with the speaker still attached to your car! But it was no problem, you just hung the speaker on the post and the theater people fixed it!
I hated to see then end of the drive in movie era. It was a real joy to get out of your house and see a good movie. We spent many nights going to the drive in. Now I never see a movie in a drive in or a theater. TVs and VCRs have made it possible to see a movie right in your own living room.
TV has changed up a lot in people's lives. Probably some good things and some bad things!
We had the Airport Drive-in and the 271. We used to go to the Airport (named that because it was on the road that goes to the airport), because it was a little nicer. The 271 was next to a salvage yard and the mosquitoes were horrendous. But the the Airport started showing low-class, almost porn type movies. Both drive-ins closed probably 30 years ago. There's now a strip club where the projection room and concession stand was at the Airport. How times do change!
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