He's all Wet!

Once when we were camping in Petoskey State Park with our friends, Tom Fisher and his son Jimmy, they and my husband decided to go fishing on a lake not too far from where we were camped. They went very early in the morning and the mornings in Michigan can be pretty cold even in June. So they were dressed in heavy coats and boots to protect them from the cold.
They had a small boat to go out on the lake. Ford, my husband, had recently had back surgery so he was using a lawn chair to sit on in the boat since he could not sit very well in the low boat seat.
They were out on the lake and Ford turned around in his chair to get his tackle box and the chair flipped and he was tossed right out of the boat into the water. With all of his heavy winter clothing getting soaked immediately he was not able to swim at all. Tom and Jimmy tried to get him back into the boat but it was useless so they decided to just tow him back to shore. He hung onto the boat and they managed to get him to shore and on ground. Of course he was freezing so they got into the car and made a beeline for our campsite.
Ford got into our camper and took off his wet clothes and got into some dry ones. Then he unloaded his pockets and billfold and laid the contents on the counter to dry out. His teeth were chattering and he was shaking to pieces until he got warmed up.
That was the end of the fishing trip for that day. However, they went again the next day but I think they waited until a little later when it wasn't so cold.
Tom and Jimmy said for a little while there they were afraid they might not be able to get Ford back to shore because they couldn't get him into the boat but one of them came up with the idea of towing him to shore. That worked out much to their relief!
That has been many years ago but I often remember it and laugh even though it was not a laughing matter at that time!
That sounds like one of those America's Funniest Home Video clips!
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