My Uncle George

My uncle George died when he was just a very young man. He was only 23. He was my Mother's younger brother. He was born on Washington's birthday, February 22, 1905. He died Dec. 6, 1928. They named him George Washington since he was born on Washington's birthday.
He idolized me. I was just about one year old at that time. My Mother told me that he said one time to her that if he could have a little girl just like me he would do it.
Unfortunately, I cannot remember him at all since I was less than one year old. I only have pictures of him and the stories that my Mother told me.
Uncle George went on a trip out west looking for something to do. He got sick while on the trip. He went to a doctor and was advised that if he had a home he had better get back to it. He had typhoid fever and was a very sick man. So Uncle George came back home and lived only a short time, then died. It was a blow to the family.
I have looked many times at this picture and wished that I could remember him and had had more time to get to know him. He was going to marry in a short time and his fiance was also devastated.
All I have is this picture of Uncle George and me and the stories that my Mother told me about him.
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