Channel surfing

Our friend, Smitty
Meet the world's greatest channel surfer!
We visited Smitty and Margie about in the 1980's. We were there for about four days. That is about all I could take!
He hogged the remote and did all of the controlling of it. He could not stand commercials so each time one was on he would mute the TV and most of the time he would not remove the mute until after the show had already started.
Also, he would surf the channels looking for something that pleased him without any concern for what pleased the rest of us. You never knew what the show was because he never got in on the very start of anything!
By the time we left his house we were almost sick of TV in any fashion. His wife Margie would nag him about it but he ignored her altogether.
I remember when I was just a kid my Dad did that with the radio. He would go through every station looking for something he liked. He would pass up some things that I wanted him to keep but if they were not his thing he just kept looking. So I never got to listen to what I liked at all. Bless his heart, I did love him a lot but he was aggravating at times.
I liked Smitty, but I didn't love him. So I did not enjoy being around him with the TV. Smitty is gone now so maybe he is cloud surfing!
It's a man thing! I have been known to scream, "I don't care what we watch, just pick something and leave it alone!"
What makes me mad is for the a man to watch just enough of a show to get you interested...then he decides he wants to watch something else. I would then get interested in the second choice and he would change it again! One night when he was on about the 4th or 5th choice...I exploded...he hasn't been as bad since. It's amazing what an explosive spouse can accomplish!! nh
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